Arrl Vhf/uhf Antenna Classics Handbook
ARRL Handbook for Radio CommunicationsUsed HandbooksPrevious Editions:Books - Amateur RadioARRL Handbookfor Radio Communications 2018The ARRL Handbook is the greatest applied electronics and communications reference of all time (first published in 1926)! The latest aspects of today’s Amateur Radio: fundamental electronics concepts, components and building blocks, analog and digital radio design, troubleshooting techniques, antennas and much more. Comb through its pages and you will quickly see why generations of radio amateurs, engineers and technicians have relied on its thorough coverage of theory, references and practical projects. Entire sections of The Handbook were updated to reflect the most current state-of-the-art. New projects and information in this edition include: VHF/UHF/Microwave Filters and Transmission Lines, Software-Controlled and Manual Preselectors for 1.8-30 MHz, Digital Mode Audio-Based VOX/PTT Interface, PICAXE-Based Timer, Arduino-Based CW IDer, 6-Meter Halo Antenna, Big Wheel VHF/UHF Mobile Antenna, Off-Center End-Fed Portable 40-6 Meter Antenna, Crossed-Dipole Omnidirectional Antenna for 1296 MHz, Spudgun Antenna Launcher and CW Reception Filter. Plus, new and updated content on Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Grounding and Bonding, Solar Cycle 24-25, Tower Safety, and Building Remote-Control Stations.1280 pages. 95th Edition printed October 2017.
A.R.R.L.Order #YearCoverTypeList PriceYour PriceOrder2018SoftcoverDiscontinued2018HardcoverDiscontinued2017SoftcoverDiscontinued2017HardcoverDiscontinuedCopyright 2009-2018.
Vhf Uhf Antenna Design
Ham Radio Vhf Uhf Antenna
Yagis, Quads, Loops, and other Beam AntennasEnjoy this collection of some of the very best articles from QST, QEX, NCJ and other ARRL publications.
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