Planet Serpo Exchange Program

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FROM BILL RYAN -courtesy lucianacy proboards.21Hello Everyone –Many greetings to all. I have just updated the website.There is a sample of Eben written language received from Anonymous, and (on the Consistencies page) a purported photograph of EBE-1. This is unconnected with Serpo, but still of considerable interest, and was e-mailed to me by an ex-intelligence officer.An enlarged version of the Eben script is available on the website.Neither the script nor the EBE-1 image has been analyzed, and I post them both here without further comment.There will also be a further posting of another installment of the Team Commander’s log. This needs to be very carefully transcribed, and will be on the website tomorrow.With best wishes to all, Bill. Fortean times linkJust flights of fancy?James Ellis - Tuesday, March 21, 2006It was the announcement many had waited for. ‘Project SERPO’ could be small part of a changing worldSteve HammonsBy Steve HammonsApril 7, 2006If the “Project SERPO/Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT” mission – 12 U.S. Military personnel sent with friendly extraterrestrial visitors to another planet in the 60s and 70s – turns out to be true, what will it mean for Americans and the human race?

The simple answer may be: We don’t know.The most recent information release from the alleged anonymous former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) official seems to make such a project appear more real. It is a list the equipment and supplies – over 90,000 pounds of it – that reportedly was taken by the team for a planned 10-year stay on a planet called Serpo.Loaded on board one of the visitors’ highly-advanced spacecraft that landed at a U.S. Military facility in the mid-1960s, the gear was reportedly then transferred to a larger ship for the nine-month journey to Serpo. The list makes for very interesting reading. It was recently posted on the Web site that is serving as a platform and clearinghouse for this information.This supply list is one more piece of the release of alleged highly sensitive information about a secret program.

It is the latest addition to reports about how and when the project began, selection and training of the military personnel, the commander’s log of the journey and experiences on Serpo, their scientific research there and other complex factors about the operation.Assuming for a moment that the information could be true, what is the purpose of releasing it and what could be the effects? We can only speculate.Our country and the Earth seem closer to disaster sometimes – terrorism, a global world war of sorts, biological warfare, nuclear detonation, the emergence of dictatorship and severe climate disruption, to name a few. Could the knowledge that we are not alone and a more clear view of Earth from above help us in dealing with these threats?DISCLOSURE PROCESSThere are many people demanding “disclosure” of information about government research and intelligence on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. What if the disclosure has already taken place, but in a subtle and gentle way that is gradually preparing us for more surprising information?It has been reported that many movies, writings and even TV commercials about extraterrestrial visitors have sometimes been part of an “acclimation” program to inform us about the situation.

This would seem to be a form of disclosure.The Project SERPO/Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT information that has gradually surfaced in recent months would certainly be taking disclosure to the next level: Concrete information about an amazing operation involving the highest and deepest levels of U.S. Military and intelligence operations.That is, if the information is accurate. It could just be someone’s vivid imagination. It could be some kind of false trail to embarrass UFO researchers. Or, it could be what is claimed by those releasing the information: The decision by former and current officials within the DIA to release some of the historical record about a fantastic mission.In evaluating new information about all kinds of unusual projects, situations and phenomena, it might be useful to realize that there could be deception, secrecy and there might be “need to know” criteria that limit what can be shared with us.But, good people are working to make the world a better place and help the human race move forward.

And many are involved in these kinds of activities. Sometimes, they are out front and sometimes behind the scenes.CHANGES UNDERWAYSome researchers speculate that the human race is undergoing a significant developmental change on the psychological, neurological, biological and spiritual levels.Even in terms of physics, the structure of our world might be changing.

Energies around us could be evolving. Our consciousness, as individuals and together, might also be transforming. Our world might be moving to a higher and deeper level of sorts.In this sense, Project SERPO/Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT might be just one small part of much larger situations that involve a complex combination of our human condition, the Earth’s destiny and a reality that is going to change somewhat significantly for us.Some of the other puzzling indicators that multiple developments are underway include the expansion of the knowledge about and competence in “remote viewing” by many people.We are now realizing that there is another sense we can use to perceive. The inner connection to information, feelings and insight through remote viewing is expanding among a wide range of people from all walks of life.U.S. Military men and intelligence professionals who helped develop modern remote viewing understanding are now functioning as teachers of this phenomenon. Are similar military and intelligence people now also educating us about the UFO and extraterrestrial visitor situation through the Project SERPO/Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT releases?Most people would probably agree that our world could use some positive changes.


Continued war, terrorism, suffering, poverty, mindless killing, cruelty, destruction of natural resources, injustice and many other disturbing problems should not continue, if we can help it. Business as usual is not acceptable to many good people.The effects of the efforts by people trying to make the world a better place are often unclear. Are their efforts useless or will they bear fruit and pan out? And what will be the outcomes?We can hope for the best and prepare for the worst. We can do what we can.

We can continue to consider the information available to us and learn what we can from it.The Project SERPO/Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT information, and insight about other situations of interest, are ways we can consider possibilities and dream about a better world. The update of the serpo web site still hasn't happened. Guess this means:a. The photos of the aliens playing football are about to be publishedb. The photos of the aliens playing football are not about to be publishedc. Some more extensive lists of supplies are going to appeard. Whitley Streiber remembers he met Al Pacino on a flying saucer in the 70s, proving the authenticity of the serpo stuffe.zzzzAnd so on.I love reading the serpo stuff.

I only wish Speilberg would come out and admit he's got Close Encounters 2: Stuck on Serpo in production.It would make a great film. From Bill Ryan today:Everyone:I'm going to step in here, because this poor excuse for a dialog is getting ridiculous. Bob Collins hasn't been lying and as best I know is as straight as a die. I'm quite sure of that. And for any of us to be insulting one another groundlessly is destructive and only says something about ourselves when we slip up in that way.Shawnna has a lot to learn about diplomacy, decorum, and respect for someone who is a veteran in this field to whom we owe a great deal of thanks. We have a COMMUNITY here and we should be protecting and supporting one another, not trying to destroy each other.

This kind of fragmentation is to play right into the hands of those who'd like to see the UFO community in pieces.In my view those at Reality Uncovered have stepped over that line from the strength of bulldog tenacity and an insistence on the truth to the weakness of hunting witches and the self-aggrandised, divisive posturing of a moral high ground. I do not support it.What this means is: chill out. Those with any experience and/or insight and/or understanding of human nature will see that the entire UFO field is labyrinthine, multi-faceted, multi-layered, and greatly resistant to any simplistic summary or 'solution'. Serpo may not be 100% true. Very few people have claimed it is. But I also don't believe either that it contains vast falsehoods.

As one source has told me, the fundamental core truth of the Serpo claims is frequently taken as a given in the 'insider' community and it's the non-insiders who essentially need to catch up.Those with personal agendas to trash every story out there are in denial of the fundamental truth: that we've been visited by extraterrestrial races, have made contact, have made agreements, have acquired some of their technology, have probably visited alien homeworlds, and that immensely problematical secrets exist which admit of no easy solution. There are very few simple hoaxes. Sometimes there are complicated ones, created for the need to protect national security. In the estimation of some. But the truth is still out there, whether we want it, accept it, like it. Or not.Compared to this, none of the very minor points under discussion change a thing.

This is an epistemological problem. Whether we believe the extraterrestrials are here or not does not affect their reality one jot. Do we think the ETs care about what's written in our e-mails or debated on internet forums?

Planet Serpo Ebens

We're totally forgetting what we're all here for.It's entirely possible that some government agencies or insider factions WANT Serpo to be considered as a simple hoax containing no truth. For those whose personal beliefs happen to match those intentions, beware of being - or becoming - agents of hidden (or not-so-hidden) agendas.My current intention is to post an update to the Serpo site soon. It'll contain some clarifying information which I think many will find interesting. I'll be telling the truth about how Wayne Jaeschke hoaxed communications from 'Anonymous' to Victor for a three week period earlier this year (the truth needs to be told; and I expect Shawnna, as a self-appointed crusader of the truth, to fully support me in that - despite the fact that she was complicit in the hoax), and sharing some personal experiences as well as contributing a little more research data which has nothing to do with anyone's qualifications or the University of New Mexico. The publication of this new information is my own unilateral decision.

It might also put things into perspective just a little.This e-mail is not confidential and anyone is welcome to forward or post it anywhere as long as it's in its entirety.Best to all, Bill-Bill Ryan. Ryan's statement seems to be suggesting the usual 'Questions about my pet story/theory are probably inspired/carried out by nefarious 'government agencies' line of 'reasoning'If all the 'insiders' in this story and any others pulled their finger out and actually released some actual proof about the various claims/stories, that would probably do a helluva lot to curb bitching and in-fighting The fact that they don't makes me somewhat suspicious that they're probably talking out of their backsides.

Project Serpo is an alleged exchange program between the United States government and an alien planet called Serpo in the star system. Details of the alleged exchange program have appeared in several UFO conspiracy stories, including one incident in 1983—in which a man identifying himself as Sergeant Richard C. Doty contacted investigative journalist claiming to be able to supply her Air Force records of the exchange for her HBO documentary The ET Factor, only to pull out without providing any evidence to substantiate his story—and one incident in 2005 when a series of emails were sent to a UFO discussion group run by Victor Martinez claiming that the project was real. Some variations on the conspiracy story state that the name Serpo is the nickname of the.

Other versions state that it is a mispronunciation of either Serponia or Seinu by authorities involved in the project. Contents HistoryThe first mention of a 'Project Serpo' was in a UFO email list maintained by enthusiast Victor Martinez.

Project Serpo New Information

Planet serpo

Various versions of the circulated and were later detailed on a website. According to the most common version of the story, an alien survived a crash near in the later 1940s (see ). This alien was detained but treated well by American military forces, contacted its home planet and eventually repatriated. The story continues by claiming that this led to the establishment of some sort of relationship between the American government and the people of its home world, said to be a planet of the binary star system.Zeta Reticuli has a history in ufology (including the and the story), having been claimed as the home system of an alien race called the.The story finally claims that twelve American military personnel visited the planet between and and that all of the party have since died, from 'after effects of high radiation levels from the '. Another version of the story claims that 'Eight (8) Team Members returned on the seven (7) month trek home.Team Member #308 (Team Pilot #2) died of a pulmonary embolism en route to SERPO on the 9-month journey; 11 arrived safely.

One (1) died on the planet – and both of their bodies were returned to Earth – while two (2) others decided to remain on the ALIEN homeworld of SERPO.' CriticismOne criticism of Project Serpo stems from the lack of veracity of one of its alleged witnesses, Sergeant Richard Doty. Doty has been involved in other alleged UFO-related activities (see and ), and thus is a discredited source (or a purposeful provider of disinformation).

Additionally, there is no supporting the project's existence. According to Tim Swartz of Mysteries Magazine, Doty, who promised evidence to Moulton Howe before backing out, has been involved in circulating several other UFO conspiracy stories. Swartz also expressed that the details of Project Serpo have varied considerably with different accounts. It has been alleged that the entire series of posts were designed to be for a new book by Doty.

Bill RyanBill Ryan, a chief proponent of publicizing the Project Serpo claims, announced on March 5, 2007 that he was stepping down from his role as webmaster for the Serpo material. Ryan nevertheless maintains his belief that an extraterrestrial exchange program did occur, although he states that the Serpo releases definitely contained disinformation. Notes. ↑, Mysteries Magazine, Issue #15, Tim Swartz, November 2006, Archived at Wayback Machine. Reality uncovered. URL consultato in data 2010-03-01.Source. Article from (base for this voice ).

Ufology terms-Principal sightings-Ufological research-Hypothesis about extraterrestrial races-Theories- -Conspiracy theories-Ufological writers-Secret military bases-Secret space missions-Project SerpoUfological terms-Contactee andabducted people-Italian contacteeand abducted-Internationalufologists-Italianufologists-Other-.

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