Powerdirector 9 Ultra64 Trial

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Hi.Could you just clear up this question for me please.!!Have the HD mpeg encoders been disabled in the Trial version?The reason I asked is because, Even though I can choose the 1920 x1080 MPEG2 produce option,The actual Quality isn't HD. If I import an image which is way over 2000-x3500 pixels into the video timeline,its looks perfect in the preview window.

But after production the Image has gone all blockyas If I've just imported a low quality 300x600 pixel image.If this is just trial issue then that's fine., But I need to find out why thisis happeing before I make a purchase.As a note and comparison. When re-installing back to PD8. The produce Mpeg2 quality for 1920x1080is by far better the PD9.And Drivers all up to date:So is this a trial Symptom!Thankyou. Ok Dafydd, Thankyou for replying so quicky.But before I go through the arduous task of following the Three basic Steps.

Powerdirector 9 Ultra 64 Trial Version

Whichin this case at this stage looks Irrelavant, But then That's your choice of course.I've noticed something very significant that may help us!When I go to the produce screen to start rendering my project. At the the bottom left handcorner of the screen it normally shows the estimated File size for the project.This will change to a larger or smaller size, depending on length and quality of the project.What I've just noticed is that my project of mpeg2 @ 1920x1080, Will be a projected 53MB for an18 second clip. This is pretty normal.BUT!, After I start the rendering it only produces a file of 7MB!! Around the actual Size it should beif I were choosing a much lower Quality setting.Anyway! I will try to do all those other procedures, If you still think it's really necessary.Kind RegardsSimon.

I can't confirm the downgraded image quality when producing to a mpeg-2 file (BD1920x1080)I can confirm that the estimated file size and the resulting file size is significantly lower. Signifiacant difference in file size between using Hardware Acceleration and NOT using it. I have always wondered why there would be a difference. But Hardware Acceleration cuts the bit rate in half!!

Animation:Master is the 3d software for everyone - find out why. My family got me Animation Master for christmas,they have it. So, now you've got yourself a copy of v15 and (theorectically) saved $150. Animation master wiki. Hash Fellow (Hon); Pip. And install the hxt into your hxt folder (under Program FilesHash v15.0).

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See attached MediaInfo reports for each produced video1. I imported 12 jpg images (3680x2070) both Landscape and Portrait.Using Hardware Acceleration2. Produced to a mpeg-2 BD 1920x1080 (BitRate of this default profile is 25.0 Kbps)3.

Estimated file size was 178.8 MB4. Resulting file size was 75 MB5. Bit Rate ended up being 10.5 Kbps6.

Resulting Picture quality was excellentNOT using Hardware Acceleration2. Produced to a mpeg-2 BD 1920x10803. Estimated file size was 178.84. Resulting file size was 136 MB5 Bit Rate ended up being 19.1 Kbps6. Picture quality was excellentFinal result: Picture quality was excellent for both produced videos, although the video produced without HA was better due to the increased bitrate that was used.The other big problem is WHY does using Hardware Acceleration reduce the bitrate?

TrialPowerdirector 9 ultra64 trial 2

Not sure if I like those results. But as long as I know what is going to happen then it isn't too much of a problem.Kevin. And Drivers all up to dateIf we all had a $1 or £1 for 'all my drivers are up to date' and they turn out not to be, we would be able to buy several copies of PD9 each year. I actually think my post should be in a new topic as Adrian pointed out it may or may not be relevant to your problem. It is hard to say as you haven't provided the basic information to sink our teeth into.But providing the basic information isn't arduous. It is asked by most video editing forums as a means to speedily resolve a problem.

It effectively reduces the time it takes to get a solid solution with the least amount of guessing by other members. I mean really.how long does it take to open your project in PD and take a screen shot of it?

I timed how long it takes to create a DxDiag file and it took me about 35 seconds to complete the task.When you feel like providing the information is arduous and an unnecessary step to find a solution.it can set a tone for the other members that it may be an arduous task to answer your question. It gives me the impression that you feel that the information is superfluous, which isn't the case at all.Regards,KevinCheck out. PowerDirector Tutorials and more! Over 5,000 Subscribers. Maybe you could explain to us how a screenshot of the workspace is going to help diagnoseencoder problem!No offence Simon, but it's actually your choice not Dafydd's.The problem I have with this is that!, 99% of the time Were asked to post our personalsystem information and our private project material on to this board, without explanation asto how this will help solve the problem.Not that I'm up to no good, But I don't feel entirely confortable posting Dxdiag, and screenshotsof my personal projects on a Pubic board. Without a very good reason.It seems as though the willingness to offer help is 0. Until the conditions of the 3 steps are met.I've siffled this board for an hour and I still don't undertand how you attach files On a thread and find Dxdiag files.So for me it is arduas.So i'm sorry if us pathetic stupid people can't do it all 20 secs.P.s After Power director 9 ULtra stopped responding last night while producing my movie, I decided enough was enough.I'll wait until this Program has matured a bit before I use it again, For now I've gone back to PD8 Ultra, Whichwhen you compare the 1920x1080 project outputs to PD9 the quality difference is astounding.Thanks.

Simon,I'm locking this thread.1. The information on how to add attachments is in the guide you were directed to read.2. Writing out explanations on what a screenshot provides!!! That depends upon what we see in the screenshot!!!!3. You appear to want to 'discuss' and not provide.4. You're the one with the issue, not us.The request was for basic info.

As you wont provide any worthwhile data there seems little point is furthering this thread or providing you with any form of assistance.' Arduous task' - reading simple instructions and looking over a screenshot pictorial guide is very(NOT) difficult!!For further assistanceDafydd.

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